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Quote request from an individual in E8

Created on
Wed 08 June 2011 11:04am
I am looking for an accountant.
I need to do a self tax assessment for 2009, because my income through employment was so high.
I have been self-employed since 8th April 2010. I have also started a LTD, a software consulting/hosting company on the same date with its own business address. I am receiving housing benefits and tax credit. I have income in my own rented flat through paying guests. I also renting a 2nd flat since April 2011 across the street for paying guests. I am currently looking at a third flat for paying guests. I have a contract with a self employed cleaner. I will become a short term foster carer for two teenage girls from probably end of June. Housing Benefits will probably stop end of June. I have used rental income to fill in to the housing benefits short fall, about which the housing benefit office is aware of and supports and happily calculates against. I have generated with lots of additional services to just a room to rent via a web based Bed&Breakfast company income which I use

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