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Quote request from an individual in SE13

Created on
Thu 27 January 2011 3:01am
I am a self-employed management consultant with 5 years of undeclared income and no tax returns filed (although I did register as self-employed with HMRC). During the 5 years I have only had one client, for whom I have worked full-time (effectively I am an employee but not classed as such) so although I haven't kept proper records I have been able to determine my income from historic bank statements. I estimate my tax liability to be approximately £40k, although I am hoping that can be reduced once reasonable expenses are factored in.

I am looking for an accountant who can:
- Complete tax returns for each financial year from 2005 to present
- Notify HMRC of the undeclared income and act on my behalf to negotiate a total for my liability
- Help me to prepare to declare myself bankrupt.

I got myself into this situation largely because I suffer from bipolar disorder which was undiagnosed and untreated til last year. Although I am now "well", I would appreciate an accountant who is sensitive to people wi

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