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Quote request from a business in ME4

Created on
Thu 04 December 2014 10:13am

Business details

Number of employees
State of records
Well organised
Business age
Two to five years
Current turnover
£50k - £100k
Type of business
Limited company (Ltd)
IT consultant
Set up in business for 4/5 years
Turnover: £100,000
Would like a responsive, consultative accountant who can give her good advice on dividends and general money saving advice.
Has been disappointed with her current accountant's services - as she often feels she is "left in the dark" - very unresponsive.
Does own weekly invoices, VAT returns and calculations. Needs payroll, year end tax returns and the books writing up. General advise and quick response to emails.
Works in London, lives in Kent, prepared to work remotely - via email is perfect.
Called herself an 'excel guru' but is also considering ClearBooks - and could probably use some guidance here.
Please contact by the end of today, as she should be expecting a call.

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