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Quote request from a business in W1W

Created on
Wed 13 August 2014 11:48am

Business details

Number of employees
3 - 5
State of records
Business age
One to two years
Current turnover
£20k - £50k
Type of business
Limited company (Ltd)
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We are international company, registered as limited company in UK but bank account is in abroad. Have not registered VAT in UK. but VAT registered in abroad. We are trading with UK companies and currently hiring 3-4 employees in UK. Paying them via wire transfer from our business bank account in abroad. Income coming from UK to our international bank account only.

We would like to consult and registered PAYE if possible as it's difficult for employees to register as self-employed.

We are a small company based outside UK but we trade with uk companies such as Topshop and we were requested by our clients to register the company in UK in order to trade with them.
We run concession in department store, therefore resulting in hiring employees. But since we have not registered vat in UK. We hired employees and pay them as freelancers.

We need to consult uk accountant for vat registration, bank account and most important thing is payroll. It's difficult for us to find self-employed workers.everyone wants to be on the payroll and we need to know how to work this out since what we are doing is more like company from abroad with intra company in UK.

Please help.

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