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Quote request from an individual in WS12

Created on
Sun 20 July 2014 9:08pm
Note from FUA : We haven't been able to contact this lead so it's an unqualified lead.
I am a self employed scaffolder, looking for someone to do my tax return. I have kept majority of my receipts from the year 2013-2014. Although they are not in any particular order etc (bags full). can show full tax doc's and bank statements.

I have kept all receipts to maximise my return. I have bought a couple of larger things work related this year like car tools etc. Have plenty of work cloths receipts as well, so it should be a good return.

I am looking for a very good accountant to help me sort through all my receipts and tell me what I can and cant claim for and get me the largest amount back. My previous accountant is unfortunately no longer with us. He however was very good, very helpful, very fast and very cheap. To find that again is going to be hard.

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