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Quote request from an individual in SW15

Created on
Sun 29 April 2012 12:00am
I need advice on business accounting, basically everything that will be tax deductible, how to pay myself, how I as Director need to register and pay my NI and dividends. I am a novice in accounting really. Also, I am late with returning my accounts, I already asked for an extension and have until the 29th of this month to complete my return. I have not really traded much as the Limited company is in it's infancy and I have a full time job and doing the business as a "sideline" hoping to turn it into full time.

How would I go to work from here. I really need some input and advise how to apply for more time. At the moment I don't have a big cash flow and my takings were minimal.

(we use and need a Clear Books Partner Accountant).

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