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Quote request from a business in Cornwall

Created on
Tue 01 November 2011 4:49pm

Business details

Number of employees
State of records
Business age
Less than a year
Current turnover
None yet
Type of business
Limited company (Ltd)
Accountant/Tax advisor required. FCA/ACA and FTII/ATII certified with expertise in advising SMEs. I am shortly going to start providing IT and business facing project management services as a contractor and Limited company. I require an accountant/tax advisor (either a company or individual) to manage the finacial affairs for my company on an ongoing basis including: Submitting accounts to companies house, tax and VAT declarations, personal tax returns and IR35 and tax advise. I will require an initial meeting to see if the relationship will work and following any agreement i must to able to phone with queries at no additional cost.

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