Kennedys Accounting Ltd

- Phone
- 01233 539501
- Address
- 160 Eureka Park Upper Pemberton
TN25 4AZ - Website

- Clear Books
- Bookkeeping
- Company Secretarial
- Payroll
- Accountancy
- Company Formations
- Corporation Tax
- Self Assessment Tax
All of our fees are bespoke to the clients requirements - we will happily discuss with you what your business needs and put together a package that means that you have all that you and your business requires.
We will also let you pay monthly for our services so that there are no unexpected bills.
Whether you are just starting out on your business journey, you are established with years of experience, somewhere in between or getting ready to hit the big time, we understand that it takes time and the right team around you, to protect, support and grow your business. Here at Kennedys Accounting, we can do a whole lot more for you. We will look out for you and keep your business safe by spotting opportunities and giving you the down-to-earth, practical advice you may need.
Description of Services
Starting a new Business?
Get the Best Start Possible
Starting your own business is one of the most exciting decisions you can make. The rewards can be great, as many millions of people in the UK have found out, but you need to be armed with the best information and support to succeed.
Let Kennedys Accounting do the work for you while you get out and make it all happen.
How Can I Make Sure My Business Succeeds?
But what about that dream - the one where you're making that small fortune doing something you love?
It's not getting started that's difficult. It's keeping things running successfully that's the hard bit.
That's where the team at Kennedys Accounting come in.
New business
Let us talk you through the steps…..
Here at Kennedys Accounting, we like to start with a general, open discussion about you and your business idea.
This isn't an exam and there are no wrong answers. Just tell us about yourself and your plans. For example, how will you finance the business? Is it just you in the business or do you have another person who will run it with you?
Have you got a business plan. We'll be pleased to review your business needs with you and show you some strategic points to monitor.
We'll look at the bigger picture of the industry you operate in, to put the whole thing in context.
When you're ready to go we can get you set up in the most appropriate way for you, whether that’s as a Limited Company, a Sole Trader or a Partnership.
Take a look at our pages for the different company set up’s available and then we can discuss the best one for you.
Limited Companies
Sole Traders
Once you have decided the best route for your business to take, we will help to get it all set up and ready to go.
After the business has been registered, you will need to open a business bank account. If used properly this will make your life much easier.
By keeping all of your business related finances away from your personal finances it will be easier to keep a track of the business expenditure.
We can also work with you to use accounting software, which can be linked to most bank accounts making it even easier to keep track of your money, as well as ensuring that you are issuing compliant professional invoices to your clients. We will even assist you with training.
Using accounting software as a habit from the start will make life easier as the business grows, for instance if the company becomes VAT registered in future, you will need to be working this way to ensure you are compliant with ‘Making Tax Digital’.
What Do I Need To Think About When Setting Up A Small Business?
Starting a small business is unpredictable. Many business owners lose their free time to admin tasks, which can be hard when the chores are piling up.
You might have to invest personal savings or use your home to guarantee money you borrow. You'll certainly need to consider the implications if you couldn’t afford to repay a loan.
Running your own business will inevitably involve greater responsibility. There’ll be days when you wonder why you did it, and others when you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Business can be a rollercoaster – let Kennedys Accounting ride it with you.
If you need some friendly advice before you make any decisions then just give us a call, we will be happy to help!
Beating The Odds
It's not just experienced entrepreneurs getting in on the action. In fact , the types of start-up owners have grown and continue to do so.
The number of graduates choosing to work for themselves straight from university has surged. Young entrepreneurs are turning their talents and passions into businesses, the most popular fields being website design and mobile app development. The number of recent graduates registering as freelancers (self employed) or micro-business owners (limited companies) continues to increase.
While you get on with starting your next adventure, Kennedys Accounting can help you sort out the financial side of your new business and show you the best way to get things organised.
It's not just the younger crowd making their mark on the business world, either. Since 2008, the rate of entrepreneurial activity for over-50s has shown a marked increase. Whether they want to put something back into their communities, fulfil lifelong dreams or have simply realised they're better off working for themselves, more of them than ever are turning their ideas, energy and experience into successful, sustainable businesses.
Although people in this age bracket often have more complex financial situations, they may also have more resources to invest, perhaps from savings or a redundancy payment. A lifetime of experience in the workplace is a valuable asset to the small business owner, bringing greater understanding of risk and more informed decision making.
What shall I do if I have already started a Business?
If you have already set up your business but need some extra help, then please get in touch, we are happy to start working with you at any time during your business journey, whether it is registering you as a sole trader, adding directors or shareholders to a limited company business or just general help to get the company working more effectively and efficiently for you.
Running a business is an exciting idea, but the importance of getting the right advice from experienced professionals is a ‘must’ to ensure your continued success.
If you have already used an accountant for your business, but would like a change, you could consider a switch – click here for more information.
Here at Kennedys Accounting, we are excited about the opportunity to work with you and are ready and waiting to take your call.
Details of Experience
At Kennedys Accounting, financial management just got personal.
Established in 2014, We are Kennedys Accounting and we are proud of our approach to accountancy, we are not traditional, grey-suited number-crunchers, instead think of us as your Business Bodyguard, here to work with you whenever you need us.
Based in Ashford, Kent, just off Junction 9 of the M20 and only 37 minutes from London by train, we are easy to visit, but don’t worry if you're not Kent based, don't let that stop you! We have clients from all over the country and overseas.
Further Information
Here at Kennedys Accounting, we’ll make sure you're doing everything to give you the best financial advantage as your business evolves, adapts and grows.
Whether you’re just starting out, or getting ready to hit the big time, we understand that it takes a trusted team to realise the business potential.
Come and talk to us about your business, whether its still an idea or established and looking to grow – we would love to be a key part in your team.